Behind the Scenes
Behind the scenes of
What makes me tick.......

Welcome to behind the scenes at The GURU CODE 

Where passion for philanthropy drives our values and motivations. Rooted in the belief that everyone can achieve their aspirations given equal opportunities, we strive to engage in causes that leverage our skills to empower others in solving their challenges. Delve behind the scenes to understand what inspires us and how we embody our values.

Norfolk ProHelp

Norfolk ProHelp is a network of professional firms committed to making a difference in their local community by providing free advice and support to voluntary and not-for-profit sector. My involvement is to offer help and support from a leadership mindset perspective. Whether this is to help them with their public speaking so they can spread the word about their amazing work or help them to avoid overwhelm and burnout.

Visit the Norfolk ProHelp website

Pink Ladies Tractor Run

I want to give a shout-out to everyone and ask for your support. Breast cancer knows no gender. Although small, 370 men are diagnosed compared to 55,500 women, so this isn’t always a woman’s problem.

I raised £720 in 2023. My target this year is £1,000, please help me achieve this.

Cancer Research told us it cost £1 for a biopsy slide last year. That’s a potential £1 that could start lifesaving treatment for someone. £1 is all I ask as a donation. It will make a difference.

Make a Donation Visit the Pink Ladies Road Tractor Run website